One of the many things I admire about the team of women at Jeremiahs Call Ministries is their servant hearts and spirit of humility. From the very beginning until present day, these women have faithfully and lovingly served the body of Christ, modeling Christ’s character in a way that inspires and encourages everyone around them. What’s even more remarkable is that they serve at JCM voluntarily, generously giving their time and gifts to serve Christ without hesitation or expectation of anything in return.
Being a servant like this has never come naturally to me. Maybe it was because I grew up in a large family, where you had to fight to be heard or recognized, unintentionally fostering selfish tendencies. Or maybe it was because I was more of a big picture thinker, focused on a 30,000-foot view and being distracted by what that involves. These two things may have contributed to it initially, but using that as an excuse no longer holds water for someone desiring to follow Jesus. Becoming a servant and putting others first comes from being in Christ and living out “Christlikeness.” No one modeled this better than Jesus Himself and I’m so thankful that every day He gently and lovingly teaches me what servant leadership truly means. And some of best examples He uses come from the incredible team of women at JCM.
Heather serves the team through marketing and thorough communication skills. She manages email communication, social media, and the distribution of vital information. She thoughtfully designs marketing pieces, planning and scheduling well ahead to make sure we maintain consistency. And along the way, her sensitivity for the feelings of others is ever present. While planning our Israel trip last year her thoughtful care in addressing questions and concerns was something people regularly commented on. Even during seasons of heavy workloads, she works tirelessly without complaint to ensure everything is done timely and with excellence. But she is also very loyal — loyal to Christ first and His mission, which is why she will question everything a dozen times to make sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are moving forward on something He truly wants.
Lori works quietly behind the scenes, but make no mistake, she is a mighty team member. Jokingly, I’ve always called her the “stealth bomber.” She comes in under the radar and yet her impact is deeply felt. Her creativity, wisdom and faithfulness has been an essential piece to everything we do. She created and maintains our website, crafts beautiful environments for our events, tunes in to the individual needs of participants and is a faithful intercessor. In a recent blog, she described serving as her superpower, and it couldn’t be more true. She too is loyal to Christ first and His mission. On many occasions, during meetings, after we thought we brilliantly had a plan for something in place, she would quietly speak up with a word of wisdom (bringing my head back out of the clouds), causing us to regroup and reassess things. She is a quiet force on our team.
Kristine was the first-person God had me call when beginning this ministry. Kristine’s unmatched organizational skills keep us striving for a level of professionalism and excellence that people deserve. She maintains exceptional integrity in the stewardship of our finances, yet her passion for generous living ensures that anyone who wants to attend our events can do so, regardless of their situation. She is very thoughtful about inviting anyone and everyone she meets to JCM events, or her church and even her home to be encouraged in God’s word. And although Kristine is excellent organizationally, she also has a creative side, bringing ideas to retreats and trips that quickly bring intimacy and relevance to the topics being covered. In serving JCM, she too is loyal to Christ first and His mission.
Amy joined our team last year and has been a true breath of fresh air. She is all Jesus, all the time! Her life radiates the light of Christ and her deep love for Him keeps our team focused on what truly matters. Amy has a heart for ministering to people and a passion for prayer. She receives our online prayer requests and considers it a great honor to intercede for others, while ensuring our team has the opportunity to do the same. With her background in business and customer relations, Amy brings valuable insights to our planning meetings, helping us better serve others with intentionality. Her joy in the Lord is contagious. She too is loyal to Jesus and His mission and wants to make sure that remains our focus! I’m excited to see how God will continue to use her in this ministry.
Tracey also joined our team last year, and having known her for years, I can confidently say she is always looking for ways to make someone’s life better. She brings fresh ideas, practical solutions, and a deep well of wisdom to every situation. With Tracey, there is no such thing as “impossible” — she always finds a way we can accomplish our goals and share God’s truth and love in any circumstance. Tracey also has a gift of teaching. She spends significant time in the Word preparing her heart and mind to share the messages God has placed on her heart. She’s an active listener, making those she engages with feel truly valued. Tracey’s servant heart is evident in her willingness to go the extra mile — literally — often driving long distances to meet others’ needs without a second thought. Although she loves serving at JCM, she too is loyal to Jesus first and His mission, making her a valuable team member also.
These women not only serve Jeremiahs Call with grace and humility but also extend this same selflessness to their families and communities. Through prayer, one-on-one connections, and their desire to see every woman grow in faith, they consistently put others’ needs before their own. They are truly exceptional, and I am in awe of how they live out their calling with such humility and love. All of us are blessed to know them and can learn how to put others first by simply watching them live out their lives. I will forever be grateful for our journey together.
Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. — Philippians 2:1-4
God Bless You,