Meet The Team

Tracey Sayler
So many books, so little time! I have many favorite books. The Bible would be first, above all other books, because this grounds me in my relationship with God. The next books that come to mind are:
Exodus by Leon Uris
1776 by David McCullough
Truman by David McCullough
And the series by Ken Follet - Pillars of the Earth
You will notice the thread that runs through these books…history! I love learning about history especially if it can be coupled with my love for reading.

Heather Spruell
My favorite place to travel is anywhere I haven’t been - whether it’s a new state or new country. The world is a big and beautiful place. I love to explore, get outside my comfort zone, and immerse myself into different cultures.

Kristine Stump
My new activity is Pickleball. I've been playing tennis for years but my husband and I are really enjoying Pickleball now. It's something that we can do together and play against other couples, and even if you're new to the sport, it is some thing that almost anyone can play and compete together.

Lori Stup
One of my all-time favorite movies is The Princess Bride. It combines fantasy, adventure, and comedy while being presented as a book being read by a grandfather to his sick grandson. The first time I saw this movie was with my dad and we laughed the entire time. I've trained my family to watch it whenever it's on and we all can recite lines from the movie.

Carole Urbas
My favorite childhood memory would be all the fun I had growing up the last of eleven children. Our house was the place where all the other neighborhood kids gathered. We hosted kid created carnivals, parades around the block on the Fourth of July, plays at night to entertain our parents, cook outs, camp outs, kick-ball, kick the can, you name it. Our house was base camp - and I loved every minute of it.

Amy Voehringer
There are so many amazing things about being a grandmother. I currently have three grandchildren and they call me "Nani." In the South it would be "Granny," but my first grandchild couldn’t pronounce the “gr” so "Nani" it is! If you are blessed to experience the love of having your own child where your heart explodes with unexplainable love that overcomes your entire being, then I wound dare say it is another level of extreme joy to hold a baby born from your baby. Your only assignment is to love them and that is the easiest and best thing about being a grandmother.
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