Repent and Return!
Jeremiah was a prophet called by God to awaken Judah, the southern kingdom of ancient Israel. They had fallen into great apostasy mixing the holy with the profane. Israel was in distress. This was more than mere human tragedy because with Israel’s distress came the affliction of God. And this is where the prophet steps in. Jeremiah’s prayer? “O save us!” Jeremiah called, urged and cried out for the people to repent and return to the Lord – and they failed to listen. They did not see their error, nor did they believe judgement was coming.
This study will take you on Jeremiah’s journey with God, and the people of Judah, to help you see similar patterns in our own nation and how we worship God today. There are stunning parallels to what was happening in ancient Israel to what is occurring now, both in society and among God’s people. Will we learn from Israel’s apostasy? Will we heed the voice of the messengers God is sending into our paths?
We hope you will join us on this journey designed to awaken our hearts to repentance, mercy, boldness, endurance and ultimately, revival, as we unpack how Jeremiah’s story ties into our present-day life as believers in Christ. May this timeless book of the bible inspire us to become Watchman, Servants, and Messengers ourselves.
Check out the first four sessions below. Please note that this study was interrupted due to the COVID lockdown and never completed. We will revisit this study at a future date.