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Preparing Ourselves for Christmas Through Hanukkah

Carole Urbas

Day 2 - “Choose Today Whom You Will Serve”

For Christians: Rededicating Ourselves to the Study of God’s Word

Today - prepare to light the third candle.

There is no middle ground with God. You are either for him or against him. The Jewish people were faced with this decision when Antiochus swept through Israel forbidding them, upon penalty of death, from living a life committed to the God of Israel. Jewish festivals ceased. The Sabbath ceased. Daily sacrifices ceased. Having a copy of the Torah was forbidden. Everything changed for the holy people of God. The enemy was working to remove the image of God not only in their land, but in their entire identity.

Many Israelites fell into compromise, either out of fear or perhaps complacency. They chose the Greek culture, often took Greek names, studied Greek literature and philosophy, and participated in Greek games, many times of which, were performed in the nude. They became known as Hellenized Jews. And those who did not conform to the Hellenized culture were brutally murdered or tortured.

In the mountains, Mattathhias Maccabee was busy! He and his men attacked Syrian outposts, destroyed foreign idols, and their altars, and made sure to reinstate Jewish customs within their isolated group, such as having Jewish infant boys circumcised. Mattathias also died that year but not before entrusting his son Judah with the leadership of the army. Since the name Maccabee means “hammer,” Judah became known as Judah the “Hammer.” Under his leadership, the army grew, thankfully so, for they were tested in battle by the Syrians as they faced overwhelming odds when they confronted armies 13 times their size, shaping them into seasoned warriors.

Life as we know it has changed. A calculated effort is being made to influence society to think and behave the same way on many different cultural and critical issues facing us today. For Christians, we are starting to feel the squeeze. Like the Jews during the time of Antiochus, our identity as followers of Christ is under attack. Ever so slowly, and systematically, we are becoming the enemy of culture. We are being tested in battle right now with a secular movement that feels 13 times our size. What will response be? Will the church be able to stand against the lies and profane things that are surrounding us? Will righteous leaders rise up with great courage and boldness to unite and lead the saints of God? Or, will we keep things “safe,” conforming in order to fit it? Will we choose the crucified life?

Take a moment now to light the Shammash, and then proceed to the light the three candles furthest to the right on your menorah. Now ask yourself: What lies are you believing about culture or about yourself? In what ways have you conformed to society and not Christ? Do we really believe that the God Who Sees does not see what is happening around us? Do you have the courage to stand in adversity and be counted as part of His holy remnant of faithful followers?

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him." 2 Chronicles 16:9.

God was strong to the loyal Maccabees. Would you call yourself loyal to God? Is the Bible your source of truth?

Today, pray and ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to reveal truth to you, and as you do, pray and ask Him to help you see the truth through the Scriptures. Let this be a season of rededication to the faithful study of the Word of God.

God Bless You.

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