Weekly Devotional, November 27, 2023

“God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son”
- 1 John 5:11
When my father passed away, one of my brothers took the lead on going through some of his important documents that were left in his desk. In doing so, he came across a letter that I had written to my dad, over thirty years ago. When he gave it to me, I hesitated reading the ten page letter that my twenty-one year old self wrote to him. Not only did I not remember what I said, but what was my father’s reason for keeping it all these years?
As I read through the letter it became quite obvious why my father kept it, or so I thought. It went on and on about how right he was on so many things! It was quite humorous, actually. All those life lessons he tried to share with me, that I subsequently rolled my eyes at, were apparently coming in handy, right about that time of my life. However, what I didn’t expect upon reading the letter, was that I no longer recognized the young girl that wrote it. I found myself asking, who is this person?
It’s an odd thing to look at a reminder of who I once was before making Jesus the Lord of my life. I had died the worst kind of death, being separated from God in my sin, and couldn’t even recognize it.
I’ve often heard the phrase, always remember who you were before Christ. I believe that’s a good reminder for us. Only when we reflect back can we see the transformative work of becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus. He not only saves us from our deceived selves, but He immediately goes to work within us by His Spirit, to transform us into His image.
As believers around the world kick off the Advent season leading up to Christmas, perhaps we take time to reflect on the most precious gift we have ever been given - the gift of Jesus Christ, God’s own Son. Maybe ask yourself:
Who were you were before the grace of God met with you, and changed you?
How has Jesus Christ changed your life changed since then?
Jesus Christ is the most precious gift any of us could ever receive. Reflecting on the enormous value of that gift, who can you give the ‘gift’ of the gospel to in this season? Do you know someone who needs to be saved from a spiritual death? Like me at one point in my life, is there some ’twenty-something’ person living in rebellion, who needs to hear about Jesus?
My brother found two letters in dad's desk. One was a letter that he wrote many years ago while living in Vietnam during the war. Definitely a keeper. The second letter, was mine. I believe my dad kept my letter, not because I said he was right about everything, but honestly, because he believed in me, believed that one day I would heed his words and choose a better way. He was right.
And our heavenly Father...desires no less.
In Christ,
Take a moment to offer a sacrifice of praise with a worship song about never forgetting what Jesus has done for you. Click here to listen: "Never Forget"