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Follow Me

Carole Urbas

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” - Matthew 16:24.

Sometime during those first couple years of COVID we recorded a six-part Bible study series in my home, called Follow Me. I kind of forgot we recorded it, so much has happened since then. As I was thinking about this devotional I remembered that series and started watching it back. What a timely message then, and now! Follow Me. Simple words to hear, but a lot more challenging to obey.

  1. First, we need to desire to come after Him. That means we need to be determined in our heart to pursue Him. Are you in pursuit of Christ?

  2. Next, we come after Him. That means we come after Him - right now! It’s language used in the present tense. People today talk a lot about “being present.” Are you present with Christ?

  3. Then we deny ourselves. This means utter denial, or to disown. Are you willing to disown yourself and truly live a crucified life to Christ?

  4. Now we take up our cross, and follow Him. The weight of carrying the beam of a cross was almost impossible to bear up under. You’re essentially carrying a tree. A man seen carrying a cross at that time was only heading to one place, his own execution. Are you willing to take the weight of what this Christian life demands and walk it out to your death?

For those of us trying to save our life through tolerant, lukewarm Christianity, we’re assured, we’ll lose it. But those who will lose their life for His sake, will find it. Follow Me. Simple words to say. Not so simple words to do.

Watch our series Follow Me and begin living out the glory of a crucified life.

God bless you,


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