It seems that most conversations today stem around a great concern for the unfolding of events in our nation and around the world. We see a great cultural and political storm on the horizon, and we seem powerless to stop it. A storm is not a thing to fear though, but rather to welcome. It is in the times of stress and strain when we typically have the clearest revelations of our Lord and can then head into the wind of the storm remaining steadfast in our mission as witnesses, comforted by His peace.
When it comes to faith in Christ, God’s purpose was not simply to bring us into His family and then have us remain babies or children. He wants us to mature in things pertaining to Himself. To do that, He gave us His Spirit so that we can walk by faith and grow in the grace and knowledge of Him. But to do that we must surrender to the Spirit’s leading. How do we surrender? How about at the beginning of each day? Start when you wake up, and say, “Holy Spirit, I yield everything to You…my day, my thoughts, my will. Thy will be done.” If we surrender control and commit our lives to the Lord for the work of sanctification (being made holy), and bring our thoughts into captivity so that our mind is under the control of Christ, and not the storms of the world, then we will live a life led by the Spirit of the Father Himself. We will not fear the storms.
The only way to overcome fear and uncertainty is to draw upon the Holy Spirit for physical, mental, and spiritual strength. Make it a daily habit to be led by the One who will see us through. God sent His Spirit to His Son, and when Jesus ascended to heaven, He sent the same Spirit to be with us; to lead us, guide us, help us, teach us, and equip us. And so, be careful not to quench the Spirit. In the darkness He is our light. But if we quench Him, and do not allow ourselves to conform to His will, God looks elsewhere for a person to fulfill an assignment perhaps He desired you to fulfill.
It is high time for the followers of Christ to rise up and lay claim to the power that lives within them. There is a day coming when we will regret our lethargy and ask, why did we leave the vineyard of the Lord unattended? Why did I not depend more on the Holy Spirit’s leading? As it says in the Bible:
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
- Romans 8:14
One day those things occupying us ‘now’ will appear as they are, worthless. So today, choose to be led by the Holy Spirit. Linger a little longer in prayer and in the study of the scriptures and start tuning yourself in to how God speaks to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you feel His gentlest nudge and to hear His slightest whisper. Before you know it, you will be accustomed to His presence. And when that happens, be quick to obey the promptings He gives you. For the moving of His Spirit may at times be inconvenient to our flesh and opposed to reason. He may send you to the grocery store for no other reason than to encourage the person working the check-out stand. He may prompt you to call someone you haven’t spoken to in years. He may nudge you to take a different route to work so that maybe you can help someone whose car broke down.
God wants to lead us to an abundant, mature life in Him, crucifying our own desires to live by His Spirit, so be sensitive to His Spirit. Be listening for His still small voice. And then trust where He leads you.
God Bless You - Carole