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3 Ways to Achieve Spiritual Breakthrough

Carole Urbas

Are you struggling with something in life where you desire freedom? Are you waiting for breakthrough?

Good News . . . Jesus did just that! He brought breakthrough. His death and resurrection brought physical, mental, and emotional healing. Ultimately, God is the only one who can save us from our struggles, though He does call us to co-labor with Him to see it through. How do we do that?

Here are three practical ways you can experience your breakthrough.

1. Activate the Word of God – The Sword of the Spirit

The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword. ~ Heb. 4:12

The word of God is “double-edged,” in one strike it cuts the lies of the enemy, while prophesying truth. It is the most powerful defense against our enemy! Jesus is our perfect example of how to use the sword against lies. When tempted in the wilderness by Satan, Jesus would respond with, “It is written,” and then quote scripture to silence him. Be equipped at any second to use your sword – the word of God. If you are being attacked, you don’t have time to rummage through your trunk to grab a weapon, you need to attack on the spot. To do this, we need to have scriptures hidden in our heart to combat lying thoughts. Adopt a quality over quantity mindset when applying the scriptures to your battles. Keep it simple. Ask God to show you one verse to combat your current situation. Meditate on it, make it a prayer, and let it go deep within your spirit. Then, when lies comes in, respond with “It is written”.

2. Give Thanks

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. ~ Psalm 100:4

When we give thanks to God, a supernatural thing happens, we get perspective. In times of struggle, it is easy to stay stuck in our whirlwind of problems and forget the greatness, power, and authority of God. Remember: whatever you focus on – you will magnify. Your problems will seem bigger if you let them consume you. But if you focus on Jesus, His greatness and glory will consume you. When you feel overwhelmed by the struggle, pause and worship. Turn on a worship song that focuses on the beauty and power of Jesus. Worship also through prayer by finding scriptures that praise God for who He is. Meditate on those and turn them into your prayer. The Psalms are filled with praise including Psalms 145 and 146. Try this in times of discouragement, I bet you it works.

3. Tell A Friend

Call on someone you trust who can pray for and encourage you in times of struggle. If you don’t know of anyone, seek leadership and guidance at your church so you can get plugged in with a community or mentor. This can be difficult if you are struggling with something that is more personal, however, pray and ask God to show you a safe person to walk you through this. Don’t forget: the enemy’s two favorite things are lies and the darkness. So, bring your struggles to the light.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. ~ Hebrews 12:2

God is the only one that can transform us into His image. Though, in God’s infinite wisdom there are things that God will not do without our partnership. When we co-labor with God, we get to experience our inheritance that He purchased for us.

May This Bless You Today – Guest Blogger, Mallory Sunderhuse

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