For nearly a decade, Jeremiahs Call has been dedicated to encouraging and equipping the body of Christ to deepen their understanding of God’s Word, live it out, and disciple others to do the same. As we look to the future, our mission remains steadfast, but the urgency and need has never been greater. The trends of faith in America are deeply concerning and we remain committed to preparing believers to help the next generation know the God of the Bible and live for Him, but we need your help.
We invite you to watch this short video that shares who we are, what we’ve accomplished with limited resources, and prayerfully consider how you can partner with us to help change the trajectory of faith in America.
About Us
Jeremiahs Call Ministry is calling us back to the centerpiece of ministry in order to become spiritually fit. Since participating in JCM, I have grown in spiritual depth and maturity through scripture-fed, Spirit-led study. I have personally benefited from application and challenge through Carole’s teaching ability in Biblical precepts. Carole’s commitment to Jesus leaves a light that eyes can see, a path that footsteps can follow, and a love that hearts can embrace.
JCM: Sending you into battle and equipping you to win in the power of Jesus’ Name! United with Purpose ~ 3 John 1:5-6
Marti Miller (Pine, CO)
Carole Urbas is an excellent, Spirit-filled teacher that focuses on practical Bible truths in a manner that is deeply convicting and prompts eager repentance and action in the hearts of study participants. Her keen insights and gifting for asking the obvious and tough questions that no one else sees is profound and refreshing and results in changed lives.
Carole Marie (Cleveland, TN)
The first Jeremiahs Call Bible study I went to was “Majesty” in the fall of 2019. A friend had invited me. I was actually going through a very difficult time in my walk with the Lord – I felt abandoned and alone and even questioning my faith. In that Bible study Carole had urged us not to forget our first love, Jesus, without which everything else is works. During a quiet time at the end of the study the Lord spoke to me in a powerful way. It led me into a season of deep repentance and a recommitment of my life to Jesus, my Savior, Redeemer, beloved King. I am beyond thankful!
Carole is an incredible teacher. It is the word of God she teaches.
All of the women who make up Jeremiahs Call are amazing women of God. They are loving and kind and welcoming, and warriors for the kingdom!
Laura J. Aronstein (Sedalia, CO)
Available Now
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Learn to recognize and use your authority as a royal priesthood.
Learn to walk the narrow path God has planned for you.
“Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”
Colossians 1:28
Jeremiahs Call Ministries
Get in touch with Jeremiahs Call Ministries if you have any questions, want to get involved, or have a prayer request. We believe it's important for the body of Christ to unify and keep each other encouraged! Our prayer is that this ministry blesses you in some way and that you, in turn, can bless someone else.