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The Mystery of the Olive Tree

Amy Voehringer

But some of these branches from Abraham’s tree – some of the people of Israel - have been broken off. And you Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in. So now you also receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children, sharing in the rich nourishment from the root of God’s special olive tree. NLT - Romans 11:17-18

Many Christians enjoy studying the book of Romans. I am one of them, particularly Romans chapter 11 and the mystery of the olive tree. In fact, every time I read Paul’s explanation of this mystery (Romans 11:16-24), I am overjoyed with excitement of God’s plan of salvation for both Jews and Gentiles.

The Mystery of the Olive Tree

The Apostle Paul describes the olive tree as symbolizing the people of God, with its roots in the patriarchs (Abraham), who are rooted in the God of Israel. The natural branches of the olive tree represent the Jewish people, the original chosen people of God. The wild olive branches grafted into the tree represent the Gentiles, who have been included in God’s covenant through faith in Jesus Christ.

The mastery of the mystery is in God’s inclusive plan: some natural branches (Jews) were broken off due to unbelief, allowing room for the wild olive branches (Gentiles) to be grafted in. In this, God demonstrates His mercy to all - both Jew or Gentile. Both can be a member of God’s family, while at the same time He holds out hope that the natural branches can be grafted back in again if they come to faith.

Without Christ, Gentiles do not have a true root system and cannot bear fruit for the kingdom of God. However, once they are grafted into the natural olive tree they are nourished properly and can bear much fruit! They can now share in the fatness of the olive tree, Israel’s blessings.

Blessings of the Natural Olive Tree

God promised Israel blessings, for their obedience. For example, Deuteronomy 28:1-14 gives a list of some of those blessings.

  • God will set them high above all nations on the earth

  • He will bless them in the city and the country

  • He will bless their children, livestock, and make their crops flourish

  • He will set His people apart as His holy people

His amazing blessings even protected them from their enemies and granted leadership over people and nations. The Lord will make you the head, not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13).

For me personally, when I ponder all the blessings offered to God’s people, and how they are now available to us, in our obedience, I recognize how powerful the mystery of the olive tree is for Christians. It serves as an important reminder about how it is our choice if we choose a life with Christ and become a member of His family, and inherit His blessings, or not.

Because of God’s mercy Gentiles are offered salvation and an opportunity to become part of His grand story. The story comes with a warning though: do not boast that you are better than the natural branches that were broken off (Jews). You are a branch, not the root, and you can be broken off too because of haughtiness towards them. This warning is for every believer.

The mystery of the olive tree is just that - a mystery. May Christians remember to stay humble concerning this mystery, keeping in mind that we are grafted into the covenantal family of God, with a purpose to grow stronger together, bear fruit, love and obey Him, and carry that love to others.

All Glory to God.


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