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The Narrow Gate

Carole Urbas

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Matthew 7:13-14

The very first bible study I taught after we officially launched Jeremiahs Call Ministries (JCM) was called The Narrow Gate: A Journey to Holiness. It’s a study about walking the narrow path of following Christ, and how holiness is developed in the process. Upon reflection, I better understand the significance of beginning our ministry with that particular bible study. It set the tone for what our ministry is centered around: calling individuals within the body of Christ back to holy living.

I just read the results of a new 2024 study that was released by the Cultural Research Center out of Arizona. Of the 170 million adults who self-identified as Christian, 92% are Syncretists - embracing defining beliefs and behaviors from an average of more than 10 different worldviews. Essentially, mixing Christ with other beliefs. That means that even though more people today ascribe to some form of Christian faith than any other religious belief, sadly, a majority of them are ascribing to a belief that will not save them. Jesus says that the way to follow Him is narrow, and few will find the way. The troubling trends are proving His statement true.

Christ fulfilled His work. He now says, “Enter” the narrow gate. We are given both an invitation and an exhortation to walk a road that has been opened to us to the kingdom of God. The possibility of entering that road is before every one of us, however, only the true gospel of Jesus Christ is what gets you in, and it's a gospel that demands not only a decision, but a committal. It says, “Follow Me,” not “Consider Me or Admire Me.” It says follow Me…the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Therefore, the narrow gate, the narrow path is not something to admire from a distance, rather it’s a road that is to be trodden; something to enter into. It is a road we must go out of our way to find, giving ourselves no rest or peace until we know for certain that we are on this path. And it will not be easy. We will need to detach ourselves from life in this world, a world which holds such a fascination for so many people that they are prepared to risk their eternal soul for it. So, we will have to leave the world outside. It cannot come with us on this journey. We will have to leave many who are dear to us, we will even have to leave ourselves, our old selves, wondering…maybe we’ll be lonely on this road. But be encouraged, we will not. Others are on this road with us, few have found it also.

We will all face a crossroads when it comes to faith. At the crossroads one direction leads to the narrow gate of Christ’s kingdom. It will be a difficult journey that few choose, but it is the only one that leads to life. The other direction leads to a wider, more open road. It feels safer, easier to travel down, and the one most people choose. But Jesus says it leads one place, to destruction. So, when we reach that road, we must ask ourselves a very simple question: Which road will I choose? And if you choose the narrow gate, you’ve chosen well. Now, look to the One who is treading the road ahead of all of us, the One who said, Follow Me, and you will find rest for your soul.

God Bless You,


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