Written by a person who attended JCM's "The Seven Churches of Revelation" Bible study

To The Church in America
I Am Jealous, I am Patient, the Father of the prodigal son, the God of righteous justice.
I know your compassion, and I see your frustration. I know your perseverance. Yet, I hold this against you:
The city on a hill has grown dark; judgement begins in the house of the Lord.
My house is no longer a House of Prayer, but of programs, campaigns and man’s intellect. The church has aborted the ministry of prayer. You are misunderstanding how great I am, and what I can do. You have neglected My Word.
The stage has replaced the altar: big screens, skinny jeans and fog machines have substituted the altar of repentance and holiness.
You have bought into the “Garden Philosophy” with the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. You have embraced the culture around you. You have bought into a business model where it’s more about numbers, and financial dependence on man. You are collaborating with a social justice gospel where tolerance is replacing the truth. Beware of the doctrines of demons!
You are on a road to compromise with your silence. “The arrogance of your heart has deceived you; though you make your nest as high as eagles I will bring you down from there declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 49:16
Jealously guard the holy in your life. Deception is all around you, test everything and hold on! There is no neutral space or middle ground, you are either for Me or against Me. There is no “your truth” or “my truth.” There is only THE TRUTH.
Wake up from your fog and slumber, adhere to sound doctrine, and spend your time wisely. Be alert! Be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.
To him that overcomes, I will draw you to intimacy with Me. There is nothing to fear. I have come to give a sound mind and empower you with Holy Spirit.
I AM an All-Consuming Fire. I am coming soon!
Let him who hears what the Spirit says, “I have called you as My ambassador for such a time as this.”
“Behold I am coming with the clouds and every eye will see Me.”